11 Ways How to Connect with Other Bloggers in Your Niche13 min read

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Bloggers, start the journey alone, soon many problem solvers join us in the form of other bloggers, who often are our facilitators, and supporters and might be our followers too. So, here you would know the real way how to connect with other bloggers in your niche.

As a blogger, your first responsibility is to give quality and informational content to your reader, which you do in the form of writing a blog.

But this is not sufficient; what next should you do?

Promoting your blog, enhancing traffic, and monetizing your blog are essential to your blogging business.

If you want to know more about blog promotion strategies, please read my Blog- Best Blog Promotion Checklist (a Complete Guide).

In this blog, you will learn some of the great ways you could connect with other professional bloggers from your niche and enhance your presence in the blogging fraternity.

There are many ways by which you can easily connect with other bloggers and start your blogging networks.

Remember to join other bloggers from your niche only, as it would give you the most incredible help. You could start a new strong bonding with other bloggers from your niche.

Let’s start knowing the effective ways by which you could join other bloggers or blogging networks.

How To Connect With Other Bloggers In Your Niche

let’s see them one by one.

1# Comment on Other Blogs

Whenever you read other blogger blogs, make a habit of commenting on them in their comment section.

The comment should be meaningful and related to the concerned blog.

Bloggers want to know what you like about their blogs. It motivates them and knows their potential readers.

You might have seen other blogger blogs where they want to know from their readers what they perceive about the topic and what more they could add for their readers’ benefit.

Some examples of how other bloggers write this are as follows-

1. Ryan Robinson Blogs

2. Shout Me Loud Blogs

3. Backlinko Blogs

See above how other bloggers wrote at the end of their respective blogs. They want input from the reader side.

So, you should give your honest comment in their comment sections.

You should not only write that “very good post,” “I like the way you write,” etc.

Your comment should be at least a paragraph (5-6 lines) detailing what you like in their post, what else you are looking for from them, and your suggestions for blog enhancement.

Suppose from above you are commenting on Ryan Robinson’s blog.

He wants to know your blogging mistakes. So, whatever blogging mistakes you have encountered in your blogging journey, mention those mistakes and write how you rectify the mistakes.

It would be beneficial to other bloggers, alerting them about particular mistakes.

By commenting, you are providing your genuine comment to the Ryan blog and helping other bloggers who might commit the same mistakes in the future.  

2# Enhance your Social Media Presence

It’s the internet world; we all are connected. You are enhancing your presence, so people know you and your blogging business.

How to enhance your presence?

You should regularly post your blogs on social media, as I do in my Facebook account screenshot for your reference.

You could do that by actively participating on social media platforms.

You all must have social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.; if not, immediately open them and update them regularly.

As you have started your blogging business, you have to promote your blogs to most people, and these social media platforms have a huge crowd.

It’s always better to start from known to unknown people.

Just posting won’t be enough; then what next should you do?

Follow other bloggers (in your niche) on their social media accounts and try to connect with them.

Always see what they are writing and take a tip out of the same. There is always a chance of improvement, and you should take those advantages.

Three ways from which you could get information about other bloggers in your niche

Let’s check.

(1) Search Engines like Google and Bing would be beneficial.

Suppose you start blogging on a broader area of food and health and narrow it down to vegan food and its health benefits.

Go to Google, type top vegan food bloggers, and search their profiles, follower counts, and website authority.

You can quickly get information about your fellow bloggers by searching these engines; if all is well, start following them and see what and how they are doing.

Always comment on their blogs, which you have read and liked.

Please don’t copy them but make them your inspiration.

(2) Join the Other Bloggers’ Community Through their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Accounts.

Joining other bloggers through their social media platforms is crucial to enhancing your relationship with them.  

They will not only be a good source of your inspiration but, most of the time would be your problem solver.

You could interact with them to enhance your SEO knowledge and traffic and monetize your blogs.

Joining the community is very helpful. You are indeed creating a long-term relationship with the blogging fraternity.

Example of the community pages for your reference.

How to Search the Community Pages

Go to your Facebook account, and at the search option, write the other blogger names you want to join.

Suppose I want to join the community of Smart Bloggers.

In my Facebook account, I have written Smart Blogger at the search option, and then I joined their community by answering simple questions.

(3) Join Directly from Other Bloggers’ Blogs

You might have seen that on other bloggers’ websites, there is an option of joining them on their social media accounts, especially at their website’s footer.

So, from there also you could join them. The screenshot is from my website Mssaro.com

3#Join Quora

Quora is a web-based question-answer forum where you can connect with many other bloggers from your niche.

The easiest way to connect to other bloggers from your niche is to search for questions related to your niche.

Always help others if you know the answers to the question mentioned in Quora related to your niche.

Don’t promote yourself; instead, you should focus on establishing a long-term relationship with the readers, and promotion will automatically follow.  

4# Promote Other Bloggers’ Stuff

We all promote our blogs on different platforms. It is recommended to post other bloggers’ blogs that you find exciting and essential in your blogging journey.

Always retweet the other bloggers’ tweets; it would enhance your presence in this blogging business.

When you retweet other bloggers’ tweets extensively, they will return to you in the form of good suggestions to improve your blogging business, some great backlinks, guest posts, and many other offers you are craving to have for your business growth.

The blogging fraternity is very supportive and encouraging.  

5#Effective Communication

Be an effective communicator.

Communicate your problems and suggestions to other bloggers and wait for them to reply.

Don’t honk them every time; it would not be very pleasant.

Give them time and gently remind them. They will reply, have faith.

You are here to make a strong bonding with them so wait for them.

6# Offer Genuine Suggestions and Space to other Bloggers.

Be as genuine and polite as possible.

You are the seeker of knowledge. Other bloggers like genuine suggestions, and even they update the same in their blog may be by citing your name. It would be great to feature in their blog.

Remember to give them space, don’t try to connect with them always whenever you see that they are active on social media or any other platforms.

It would not be very pleasant for them. So, value their time and efforts.

7#Cite Other Bloggers In Your Blogs

Cite other bloggers’ efforts. Mail them that you would like to take some lines from their article or some of their infographics for your blog by citing them.

If you are citing them, take their permission, they will never deny it, but by doing so, you would enhance your presence.

And when you receive acceptance mail from other bloggers, you can use the part of their blog posts, infographics, or even statistics.

Then confidently post it on your blog by giving proper credit to them.

And again, thank them by writing that you have taken which part of their blog and how you have placed the same on your blog.

You can even leave your blog link so they can see your blog and even give some suggestions or comment on your blog post, which would be great for your blog traffic.

Always looks for webinar or seminar of bloggers related to your niche.

By participating in these types of webinars or seminars, you could easily get connected with other bloggers from your niche areas.

You could know what is in trend and what to emphasize more to be a successful blogger.

9# Guest Post

Try to do guest posting. By guest posting, though you are writing for other bloggers, you are promoting yourself among their readers.

The question would arise of how to get the guest post.

Though it seems difficult to get guest posts though it’s not so difficult.

You must see what other bloggers in your niche left out and what you could genuinely contribute to them and their readers.

You can mail them that you want to do a guest post for them on such topic which you find missing on their website.

You could link your website so they can easily see what and how you write.

Another way of getting guest posts is to search on Google or Bing-like engines by writing your niche area +guest post.

You could even see the words like write for us, submit a guest post or even see on other bloggers’ websites if there is some guest post previously written. If so, that means they are accepting guest posts.

Why Do Other Bloggers Accept Guest Postings?

They get a blog they missed, and that too without cost.

 What Do You Get By Writing a Guest Post?

You create your presence among their readers and your name on other bloggers’ posts. You could link that guest post to your blog and enhance your traffic and credibility.  

Do it seriously, just as you do for your business. Once the trust is lost, it will be lost forever.

10# Be an Active Reader and Consumer.

Be active by genuinely commenting on the other bloggers’ blogs and being their customers.

Purchase from their affiliate because it is due to them that you know about some good product for your business.

Give them their credit by purchasing the product from them.

I always purchase the product from other bloggers whose blogs I like and recommend them further.

11# Blog Ecosystem

Whenever you genuinely post a comment on other bloggers’ websites, it motivates them to write more good stuff for their readers.

Please mention other bloggers in your ecosystem what you liked in their blogs, and remember to mention them on your social media platforms, too, by retweeting them or sharing their links.

It could be the start of a great friendship, you never know!!


There are many ways by which you could get connected with other bloggers from your niche.

Points To Remember

  1. Be a genuine supporter and reader.
  2. Comment with what you liked in other bloggers’ blogs and what more you want from them.
  3. Give them space.
  4. Communicate, connect and follow them.
  5. Join a community and social media group related to your blogging niche.
  6.  Promote other bloggers too on your site by allowing follow links
  7. Cite and appreciate other bloggers whenever required.
  8. Always tries to help bloggers in your community by sharing as much knowledge as you have. Remember to be authentic and genuine in whatever things you do.

Try all the above ways and inform us which way works for you in our comment section. See, by this, you would easily connect with us too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on How to Connect with Other Professional Bloggers?

Question: What are the effective ways to connect with professional bloggers?

Answer: You could connect with professional bloggers by-
1. Communicate, Connect, Follow, and Join other bloggers.
2. Share other blogger blogs extensively and retweet their stuff.
3. Always help other bloggers with your knowledge and expertise.  

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