How To Write Your First Blog Post in 2025?(Essential Tips for Writing Your Inaugural Post)16 min read

Mssaro » Blog » Blogging » How To Write Your First Blog Post in 2025?(Essential Tips for Writing Your Inaugural Post)

In this blog, you will learn the essential steps to tackle the most important question about blogging: how to write your first blog post. Discover tips and proven strategies to craft a debut entry that sets the foundation for your blogging journey.

We all ponder whenever we want to start anything, it might be anything from deciding what to have for dinner tonight to what is the purpose of life.

Same with blogging, too, we ask what I should blog about.

We all wish to get answers to all our questions. Here, I will try to solve your one problem of How to write your first blog post?

In this blog, I will cover all the information that is very important and relevant for your blog writing journey.

Also if you don’t want to read, you can watch this.

So, let’s start learning together- for your easy understanding, I have divided the whole blog into three parts:

  1. Pre-Writing Essentials
  2. Within Writing Essentials
  3. Post Writing Essentials

Before moving to the points, think about what comes to mind when writing a blog.

Oh, how could I write? I am not an expert.

My English is not so good; I make lots of grammatical mistakes.

What to write and for whom? Is there anyone who would read my blog?

There are many competitors in this blogging business; what if I fail? How will I manage all the stuff?

And many other relevant questions. Don’t worry; just read this blog about writing essentials. I am sure all your doubts will vanish soon.

1#Pre-Writing Essentials

The pre-writing essentials are the requirements that must be taken care of before you start writing a blog.

1. What is Your Purpose for Blogging?

You must first be clear and sure about which type of blogger you want to be.

Blogging could be a hobby, a side business, full-time blogging business.

Blogging is a full-time earning for many.

Some do it side by side with their job some do it as their hobby.

It’s always better to give your 100% to know the success rate of any business.

Your hardship and dedication are required to make your business successful.

A blog could be informational, a case study, a comparison, an interview, a review blog, or just a promotional blog. It is you who decide the purpose of your blog.

First, think of giving an informational blog, as readers are thirsty for new and relevant information. By this, you are helping them and impacting their life too.

Give details information even a small piece of information may matter the most. It’s a great responsibility to pass on only truthful information.

Researched a lot before writing that information in your blog.

An informational blog could be about new software, new market trends, beautiful and relaxing traveling destination, some essential health benefits tips, fashion information, entertainment information, and many more.

Note: Before writing your blog, you must do your homework, like see what is in trend with the help of Google Trends, see what your competitors are writing all about, and what new information you provide your readers.  

Points to Remember (Blog Purpose)

Answer these below-mentioned points so your blog purpose will come out.

1. You want to sell a product or service.

2. You want to give an informational blog or a product review blog.

3. You want to earn money from your blog.

4. Do you want to promote yourself as a brand for some cause or want to be a full-time blogger?

Remember to get connected with your readers. By explaining who you are and for what you are writing a blog. What is your intention behind blogging? 

2. What Should I Blog About?

After deciding the purpose of your blogging business, is the area in which you want to blog and why, i.e., what should I blog about?

How to figure out the best area for writing? How you could do that as many ideas are pondering in your mind. Just do brainstorming and brainstorming.

  1. Make a list of ideas- whatever comes to your mind regarding your blog’s purpose.
  2. Then cut or remove the irrelevant ones.
  3. You would develop the most relevant and prominent ones for your blog.
  4. You then prioritized your ideas on the bases of relevance. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes and figure out what the reader wants the most.
  5. You would again curtail your idea at this point and be left with the one purpose of your blog.

Once done, you will quickly figure out your first blog post idea.

There are many tools available by which also you could do this, but I feel it’s about my purpose of blogging for my readers.

So my mental ability and brainstorming around the ideas could be a better option.

Otherwise, you could easily opt for tools like GitMind,  Mindomo,, Canva, Zen Flowchart, etc. These tools would help you in deciding your area of blogging.

3. Deciding Your Blog niche?

It is always better and advisable to decide your niche.

Niche means a particular area in which you want to write based on your knowledge, research, market trends, and profitability.

Deciding on a clear niche is very important as your whole blogging business depends on your ability to decide your niche.

Read our blog on How to Pick a Blog niche for more details- How to Pick a Blog Niche in 2024 (an Easy Guide) – Mssaro.

4. Who are your Competitors, and what are they Focusing on?

You must know other bloggers from your niche and what and how they write. It is also an essential prerequisite for writing a blog.

Though we all are different, we can inspire and take help from our competitors too.

Other bloggers from our niches could be a great source of inspiration and knowledge booster.

You could easily see their site map and find all the topics they have written, and you could plan accordingly.

By doing so, you would get a rough idea of what is trending, what readers want to know, and how you would get monetization for your blog.

These other bloggers are like shining gem always tries to learn from them.

5. Who could be your Potential Readers, and why should they read your blog?

After knowing the topic, what next comes to knowing your readers? Who could be your probable readers? Those who want to know something related to your niche.

But why should they read your blog?

  1. Give your reader detailed information about their searched things.
  2. Write after extensive research and be as genuine as you can.
  3. Always give something new to your reader than your competitor. Like add YouTube videos, infographics, and some essential cheat books, and give free pdf to your readers so that they always come back and look upon your website.

Never copy anyone; it’s not ethical. Get inspired by others but write as you.

2# Within Writing Essentials

1. Where to Write your Blog?

There are many blogging tools where you can start writing your blog

Microsoft Word-The most common way of writing anything on a computer is Microsoft word.

You can write your blog in this very easily. MS Word has various formatting aspects you don’t require in writing your blog.

Still, you could take the help of the same to enhance your blog’s readability.

Google Docs– A more sophisticated and simplified version of MS word. You can save your document in Google Drive, develop spreadsheets and write in Google docs.

Evernote- Evernote is one of the popular cloud-based writing management tools. You could note and schedule all your tasks in one place.

WordPress dashboard– It’s effortless to write directly on the WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress is where you finally put your written blog in the draft and then publish the same.

By writing on WordPress, you save lots of time.

Whichever way you are convenient, you could write your stuff.

I am sharing the detailed way to write your blog on your WordPress dashboard here.

You can read our blog- How Much Does It Cost to Start a WordPress Blog (Beginners Guide)

Steps to Write in WordPress

Step1. Open WordPress Dashboard.

Go to the Posts tab, then Add New tab (which you will see as you put your cursor over the posts tab).

WordPress Interface- How to write your first blog

By clicking on Add New tab, you will see the following interface.

WordPress title page- How to write your first blog

Step2. At Add title

At Add title, you have to write your blog title. your blog title would be H1 heading.

Step3. Clicking on the + Button

By clicking on the + button, you will see many options, you have to click on the paragraph for writing your blog.

WordPress- How to write your first blog

Step4. You should click on the Heading option for writing any heading.

Remember heading should be bold, attractive, and specific.

Headings in WordPress- How to write your first blog

Heading would be H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.

The H1 heading would be your blog title.

H2 would be Section Title headings, H3 would be Subsection titles, and so on…

Step5. Other Options

Many other options which can be used in writing in WordPress are as follows:

  • Lists- When you want to list something in numbers, you must select this option.
  • Quotes- Wants to write some important things; make it in quotes “.
  • Blockquote- If you want to tweet something, put it on the blockquote option.
  • Spacer- With this option, you can add space within your blog.

This way, you can quickly write your blog in WordPress, and from here directly, you can publish your blog post.

2. What is New in Your Blog?

Readers want complete and genuine information.

1# Why Reader would Come to Your Website?

Always give your reader something new to read.

Before writing, think about what new and different from other bloggers you could give to your readers.

Always give your reader correct, clear, and detailed information.

Add videos, infographics, and statistics with proof.

Give your reader something to read that is free and valuable too.

Add as many headings and subheadings for engaging your readers to stay more at your website and learn from it.

2# Always use simple English

Always use simple English so that even a layman can understand and know what you have written.

Remember, you are writing for millions of people worldwide; some are new to this blogging business and don’t know anything about it.

So, if you explain them in simple words, they would engage and grasp more from your blog; I am sure you want the same.

3# Avoid Making Grammatical Mistakes

You could improve your blog writing with many online grammatical tools.

Don’t make grammatical mistakes as they don’t give a good impression; sometimes, the meaning will not be clearer to your reader.

You must at least install the free version of Grammarly tools, which would greatly help you.

You can also check other tools like Ginger Online, WhiteSmoke, and ProWritingAid to assist you in your blog writing.

4# Proofreading and Editing of Your Blog

Always do proofreading your blog and do extensive editing before publishing. Proofreading could be done by your friends, your colleagues whom you trust. 

5# Introducing Post

You must introduce your post, i.e., what you are writing about and what solutions to the reader’s problems you’re providing through your blog post.

An introduction should be catchy so that readers get engaged with your blog.

Points to Remember (Within Writing Essentials)

  1. There is always a scope for improvement. So don’t think that other bloggers have written all.
  2. Your blog heading should be very attractive and concise so that your reader cannot resist it and start reading your blog. 
  3. Always see what your competitor has written and what they have missed. Always try adding useful images, videos, and infographics to your blog so that the reader gets more information regarding the topic you are writing.
  4. Do extensive research before giving any data to your reader.
  5. Give credit to other bloggers from whom you have learned something new and unique.
  6. Write very clearly with all headings and subheadings intact with your blog.
  7. Proper spacing should be there so that it is easily readable to your readers.
  8. Add inbound and outbound links so your readers can easily navigate to your other blogs.
  9. If you have added the affiliate link, write a disclosure.
  10. Add a social media tab in your blog and website and ask your reader to join your community or social media platforms.
  11. Always write as if you are talking to your reader. By this, you could quickly determine the probable questions your reader might want. So, talk in an active voice.
  12. Write as if any layman could also understand what you have written.
  13. Encourage your readers to write their suggestions and query in your comment sections.
  14. Do Grammar checks so that your readers can easily understand your blog.
  15. Add subscribe buttons to your website so readers can join and subscribe to your website.
  16. Offers freebies, downable pdf, cheat books, and infographics so that you get the email list of your readers.
  17. Always show proofs for whatever statistics you are providing in your blog for your readers.
  18. Write a detailed, comprehensive blog with all the information intact so that your readers do not go anywhere in search of information.
  19. Ask your readers to share, comment, and give suggestions to your blog.

3#Post-Writing Prerequisites

1# Optimize your Blog Post Before Publishing (How to optimize your blog?)

Optimizing the blog is crucial before you push a publish button.

  1. A keyword analysis is vital for your blog. How to do that? Kindly refer to our blog- How to Use Google Keyword Planner(Step-by-Step Guide)

You can search keywords related to the blog with the help of Google Keyword Planner, or you could use good paid keyword SEO optimization tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs.

But first, go with the free Google Keyword Planners, and if you need advanced keywords, go for the paid ones.

Note: Ideally Keyword analysis should be done before writing the blog. But at the time of writing our first blog normally we do not aware of this. So atleast we should do keyword research before publishing the blog. So optimize your blog against the keywords.

2. Always have essential WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO, Akismet Anti-Spam, Short Pixel etc.

3. Always add an affiliate link by cloaking it so that the link can be readable and understandable by your readers. By this, they could easily navigate, and you will not lose your potential reader and revenue.

2# Make room for your readers’ suggestions, comments, and email subscriptions

Comment and email subscription sections are essential for your blog promotion.

When reader comment on your blog firstly, they get engaged with your blog, and secondly on the basis of their suggestions and comments you could add, improve and even figure out the next topic which your reader wants to read.

Always show gratitude towards your readers and reply to their comments even when they disagree with you.

Remember the word TRUST, which you must create between you and your readers. 

3# Always Update your blogs

It’s a must-do activity; constantly update your blog content with new and relevant information.

Add certain new developments in that area, infographics, important pictures, videos, and statistics that you want to add to your blog.

Make a habit of rechecking your blog content every month so that updates can be done quickly.

Points to remember (Post Writing Essentials)

  1. Write while doing keyword analysis.
  2. Constantly update your stuff.
  3. Give clear and detailed information.
  4. Remember content is the King of blogging, and promotion is the Queen. It would be best if you don’t upset any of them.
  5. Consistency is the success mantra of blogging. Be consistent in your blog and video posting.
  6. See other bloggers’ blog headings and tries to bring out the essential keywords from there.  
  7. Analyze your topics on Google related to your blog and see what other bloggers have given their blog titles.

If they have added a number before the title, like 11 best WordPress essential tools or 15 ways to earn money online, etc., people are searching that way, and it would come on the first page of Google.

It’s good to see our blog on the first page of Google with a decent amount of traffic (number of readers visiting your websites).

Infographic of How To Write Your First Blog Post in 2024?

Infographic of How To Write Your First Blog Post in 2023.


 Writing the first blog is the starting point of your new career. So, take it seriously; don’t waste your time and energy on this business if you are not serious and not ready to do hard work.

Remember, you are carrying a great responsibility for sharing knowledge. I am sure this blog will have cleared your doubt about how to write a blog post.

Do extensive research before starting a blog.

Read as many other bloggers as possible to get inspiration from them and know what and how they are writing a blog related to your niche.

Always make a blueprint of your blog by writing important points or main headings of your blog, then start writing those headings in detail.

Don’t worry or think much, all the points above you will take care of beautifully, I am sure about that.

So, start writing; make a habit of writing at least 400-500 words daily, and your blog will be complete by the end of the week automatically.

Please share with us in our comment section; the first thing that comes to mind when you start writing a blog.

Are you preparing to start a new refreshing career in blogging?

Are you ready to Work for Yourself?

Do share with me your experience, I am looking forward to the same,

Keep Smiling and Start Sharing !

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